Juliana Trujillo Escobar

Chef & Food Artist

Photo by John Robson.| Colorado

Photo by John Robson.| Colorado


It all started...

Born in Medellin – Colombia on a 16th of My 1985, lived in what felt like an infinite ranch/city, until I was 11 years old. Then, my parents moved to Mexico were we jumped from place to place for 18 years. This period of consistent changes in my life created in me a personality with a mixture of cultures, fighting for survival and adaptability within myself and my surroundings. As my life settled in Mexico, it left a deep and unconditional love for this wonderful country and it’s people…my people; it’s fascinating history and of course it’s gastronomy, world icon of tradition and uniqueness. All this without forgetting my roots, my homeland Colombia and all it’s significance in my life. Since I was 18 years I’ve been working, giving myself the chance to discover my strengths and weaknesses in the kitchen and at the same time, immersing into all kind of gastronomies, places, business and much more that had to do with cooking. Each and every one of them so different, so apart and at the same time so alike….

I am positive that everything in life happens for a reason, and all my culinary adventures, just as all my other jobs, happened the way they did because I had to find myself through the experiences I was living day by day.

Now we call home to Fort Collins since 2015 and it has been a magical adventure ever since, we continue to grow professionally, enjoying the different events we can do, our kitchen and our lovely community that vibrates higher than ever! So this is me, passionate about life, art, nature, health, dreams and good food of course. I love how life shows us new things everyday, and surprises us with all that we can do and create when we really want it from the heart, without desire or lust, but with great love and acceptance.

After almost 39 years of walking among great experiences, I feel more than lucky, because I can say that I belong to the small group of people that their passion in life is the livelihood; to have found in the kitchen and community the perfect formula to express my curious and creative personality, alongside my love for the good life.