Christmas Dinner Under the Snow!!


Christmas Dinner Under 30 Degrees!!

Christmas dinner happened to a great group by the name of Advance Interiors… and not just any christmas dinner, as we set up the table to a great menu under the snow fall!! a delicious Surf & Turf as a main plate!! But this time was not just grilling under the sunny sky with a beer!! This time it was under the cold moon at 30 degrees!! So we added to the cooking adventures… Obviously I had some tips from a great steak grilled called Shawn Matz!! Thank you man!! This is one too the greatness of cooking, it is an art that you can spend 10 lifetimes and still learn, so once again Shawn I add your advise for all my adventures… =D

So as we cooked and cooked the grouped gathered at home and the party started, appetisers, salads, fresh baked Parker House Buns and more!! As Juli y I set the table, everyone gathered up and the feat began!! Thank you Shawn & Heather Matz for letting & trusting us to share our love and passion with Advance interiors!! We love you all!!

So this is Juli y Juan saying good bye, and until our next adventure… which is tomorrow hahah So this Christmas Dinner we wish you the best of all!! Have an amazing time and don’t forget to THINK-FEEL-ACT accordingly to your dreams!! =D