A Christmas Partyfor the Records!

Christmas Party, Lets Get Elfed Up in Vail Colorado

Now this was a crazy fun & amazing party… nothing we where not expecting out of a Deighans Home… Kyle & James you guys know how to put something together!!

So it all started with a call and an invitation to a little gathering that in about 3 hours it turned unto a 80 people party!! What happened in that house was an unbelievable amount of love, fun, joy, great friendship, and lots but lots of craziness…

We had just slept about 5 hours when the alarm sounded and up we where, still at night outside. We where recovering from an event the day before. But this is what December Cooking Rush is all about. We packed our boxes and head to the gorgeous mountains of Vail to do a Christmas party. We arrived and in no time things where rolling… James & Kyle had decided to do an Asian theme which we thought it was a fabulous choice. Suddenly as you feel you have all the time in the world to prepare, it hits and you are about 20 minutes for the first guest to arrive, and the Ohh Shit!!! factor hits up, and from there on everything is a blurry crazy blast of guests, laughs, cooking, smiling, checking that everything is going as well as you can do. Obviously you have to remember one thing… To have Fun, not to Stress out and just flow with the magic that happens on a great preplanned event.

I would love to tell you all the craziness on that night but just so you can get your train rolling, there was a full dressed Elf… and Princess Lea around the party… Only in the Deighans… Only in the Deighans.

James & Kyle, you guys are the best and we want to thank you so much for an amazing night. Thank you for trusting in us and for making us part of your team on this great night that will go in out memories for ever!! Can’t wait for another crazy excuse to be part of your life guys!! Now we send you all the love!!

Now we have to leave this amazing little magic town, in the gorgeous mountains of Colorado, and head back as we prepare for a crazy next week of events as we continue the Christmas Party for this December Cooking Rush!! This is Juli y Juan saying Until next time and please please don’t forget to GET ELFED UP!!!!… if you know what we mean. =D

We love You Guys!!!

We love You Guys!!!

Teak a Peak into the Crazy Party!!